Talent Pipeline Transformation Steps You’re Probably Ignoring

Chris Murdock
5 min readAug 5, 2020

A proactive talent pipeline is the way of the future. We all know it’s a confusing and uncertain time for both employers and employees. The world came to a grinding halt with the global pandemic, and no one can be sure if it will suddenly switch back to all systems go, a slow transformation back to low unemployment, or something in-between. As you grapple with deciding between preparing for a hiring surge or taking the uncertainty one step at a time, IQTalent Partners can assure you that creating a talent pipeline will give you hiring confidence no matter what comes next.

Here’s the thing: most employees are just as uncertain with what’s to come. Many were laid off and are ready for something new right now, but it’s also likely that qualified professionals who would make a great fit at your company were ready for a new position right before COVID-19 hit. They could still be working, but put their job hunt on ‘pause’ until everything blows over. By building a proactive pipeline of qualified professionals, employers build an arsenal of those with the skills and competencies they can rely on when the time is right. This saves HR departments the time-sensitive process of researching, sourcing, and qualifying candidates when you’re ready to hire.

It’s not enough to just have your pipeline ready, as many other companies will be in the same position and fighting for the same candidates if and when hiring returns to normal. These are our tips for talent pipeline transformation you may be ignoring.

1. Pick Up The Pace With Your Sourcing And Screening Processes

It can feel unnatural and uncomfortable to move fast when life is moving at a snail’s pace — especially if you’re currently on a hiring freeze. It’s vital to push past that discomfort and proactively set your sourcing and screening up for success.

While it might feel like a waste, now is the best time for you to take your existing process up a notch. On average, only 37% of job candidates hear back from employers within a week. Candidate expectations of the hiring process are actually increasing as a result of the pandemic, and you’ll likely need an improved process once hiring activity resumes. Competition for top-tier talent is about to become fierce, and you need to stand out from your competitors.

Whether you have a little extra time on your hands or are searching for ways to make up for lost time, you can:

  1. Prepare pre-written screening questions to send to applicants right after they apply
  2. Gather any additional essential information needed to move forward
  3. Nail down an effective video screening process
  4. Add the above into a streamlined, automated recruitment workflow

Bonus: How else can you build a proactive pipeline and attract your dream candidates? Find out in our blog, “3 Ways to Win Talent in 2020”!

2. Ditch The Application Fluff.

No one wants to spend a whopping hour of their lives anxiously filling out a job application — fearful that one of their open-ended question responses will get misconstrued and end up with their application thrown into the ‘applicant black hole’ with no feedback. Even just 30 minutes is 25 minutes too long.

You shouldn’t be trying to attract candidates by how detailed and complex your application is. Instead, you should be focusing on the relevant experience and skillsets needed. The purpose of the application is not to decide if you’re going to hire the candidate. Instead, it should be a quick step that collects a few basic pieces of information that tell you if someone has the make-or-break experience needed to move forward.

Bonus Content: Use this tool to see if you’re sourcing the number of candidates you need to find the right talent

3. Don’t Use An Archaic Career Site

Millennials account for the majority of the workforce, and it’s time to cater to what works for them. As you try to fill your talent pipeline with this generation, you shouldn’t expect them to switch from their phones to a laptop to send their resume and cover letter. A jarring 73% of applicants abandon job applications if they take longer than 15 minutes, and 72% of these ‘application abandoners’ blamed a lengthy process with too many requirements as the main factor. For initial screening and entrance into your talent pipeline, do candidates really need to provide more than their resume and cover letter?

Move to a responsive, mobile-friendly career site, so the application process is simple on any device to ensure you’re not losing your next great employee due to application drop off.

Bonus: Feature a video on your career site or candidate portal that shows off your unique culture. Include quick interviews from your current team for authenticity. This could be the differentiator for those in the job market.

4. Automate The Daunting Stuff.

Quality candidate FOMO (fear-of-missing-out) is real. When you need to start sourcing for an open position, you’ll naturally have a fear of missing out on that perfect candidate for the role. Maybe another search on LinkedIn? Another look at that resume you received six months ago? It’s natural to wonder if you’ve overlooked a great candidate. With the right tech and automation of the initial parts of your process, you can eliminate these worries, knowing the initial screening and engagement are taken care of.

If initial candidate engagement and answering the same questions time and time again slow you down, consider a chatbot that reflects your brand and handles those tedious first questions. Then, these platforms deliver the information you need to take the next steps. If administrative tasks weigh your team down, invest in an upgraded ATS or one of the many HR scheduling platforms that act as your personal recruiting assistant. If you view this uncertain time as an opportunity to reevaluate your processes and reassess the tech you already have, you’re sure to attract top talent with your improved, seamless process no matter what comes next.

This article was originally published on the IQTalent Partners blog.



Chris Murdock

Chris is the Co-Founder & Senior Partner at IQTalent Partners, a professional service firm focused on finding, assessing and hiring key talent for teams.